KANFOUD Mohamed Raouf
Grade: Maitre assistant classe B
Email: raouf.kanfoud@univ-setif.dz
Département: Informatique

    Conferences Internationales (1)

  • Linking the Linguistic Resources Using Graph Structure for Multilingual Sentiment Analysis

    Mohamed Raouf Kanfoud; Abdelkrim Bouramoul

    Sixth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology, London, (2021)

  • Journaux (2)

  • Tackling the multilingual and heterogeneous documents with the pre-trained language identifiers

    Mohamed Raouf Kanfoud; Abdelkrim Bouramoul

    International Journal of Computers and Applications, 45 (2023), pp 391-402

  • SentiCode: A new paradigm for one-time training and global prediction in multilingual sentiment analysis

    Mohamed Raouf Kanfoud; Abdelkrim Bouramoul

    Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 59 (2022), pp 501–522