Grade: Maitre assistant classe B
Département: Mathématiques

    Journaux (4)

  • A Newton descent logarithmic barrier interior-point algorithm for monotone LCP

    Welid Grimes, Mohamed Achache and Adnan Yassine

    RAIRO Operations Research, 58 (2024), pp 5537-5550

  • A path-following interior-point algorithm for monotone LCP based on modified Newton search direction

    Welid Grimes and Mohamed Achache

    RAIRO Operations Research, 57 (2023), pp 1059-1073

  • Path-following interior-point algorithm for monotone linear complementarity problems

    Welid Grimes

    Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 15 (2022), pp 12

  • An Infeasible Interior Point Algorithm for Monotone Linear Complementarity Problems

    Welid Grimes and Mohamed Achache

    International Journal of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, 4 (2021), pp 53-59