Grade: Maitre de conferences classe A
Email: raouf.ziadi@univ-setif.dz
Département: Mathématiques
Bureau: 17
Degrees: Ability to Supervise Research (HDR), Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics
Research Area: Optimization methods, Global optimization, Mathematical programming.
Diplomas: Master’s degrees (U. Ferhat Abbas, Algeria, 2011)    
                Ph.D. Mathematics (
U. Ferhat Abbas, Algeria, 2017)
                Ability to Supervise Research (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches H.D.R) (U. Ferhat Abbas, Algeria, 2021)
Actual position:  Associate Professor.
Reviewer:  I have reviewed several works in prestigious journals such: Journal of computational and applied mathematics, Mathematics and computers in simulation, Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, Croatian Operational Research Review.
Awards and Distinctions:  Honourable Mentions of the 2017 Algerian Paper of the Year Awards for the paper  “Ziadi, Raouf, Abdelatif Bencherif-Madani, and Rachid Ellaia. Continuous global optimization through the generation of parametric curves. Applied Mathematics and Computation 282 (2016): 65-83.
read, spoken, written
read, spoken, written
read, spoken, written

   Computer: Programming and Simulation with MATLAB, Scilab and Julia.
Méthodes Numériques et programmation, 2éme année physique fondamentale. Polycopie de cours
Modélisation Stochastique Polycopie de cours

    Journaux (9)

  • An efficient hybrid conjugate gradient method for unconstrained optimization and image restoration problems

    Choubeila Souli, Raouf Ziadi, Imad Eddine Lakhdari, Assma Leulmi

    Iranian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Optimization, 0 (2025), pp 0

  • A perturbed quasi-Newton algorithm for bound-constrained global optimization

    Raouf Ziadi and Abdelatif Bencherif-Madani

    Journal of Computational Mathematics, 43 (2025), pp 143-173

  • An Interior Point Algorithm for Quadratic Programming Based on a New Step-Length

    Assma Leulmi, Raouf Ziadi, Choubeila Souli, Mohammed A Saleh, Abdulgader Z Almaymuni

    International Journal of Analysis and Applications, 22 (2024), pp 233-233

  • A hybrid CG algorithm for nonlinear unconstrained optimization with application in image restoration

    Choubeila Souli, Raouf Ziadi , Abdelatif Bencherif-Madani, Hisham Mohammed Khudhur

    Journal of Mathematical Modeling, 12 (2024), pp 301–317

  • A mixed algorithm for smooth global optimization

    Raouf Ziadi, Abdelatif Bencherif-Madani

    Journal of Mathematical Modeling, 1 (2023), pp 1-24

  • A covering method for continuous global optimisation

    Raouf Ziadi and Abdelatif Becherif-Madani

    International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics, 13 (2021), pp 369-390

  • A deterministic method for continuous global optimization using a dense curve

    Raouf Ziadi , Abdelatif Bencherif-Madani and Rachid Ellaia

    Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 178 (2020), pp 62-91

  • Global optimization through a stochastic perturbation of the Polak–Ribière conjugate gradient method

    Raouf Ziadi, Rachid Ellaia and Abdelatif Bencherif-Madani

    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 317 (2017), pp 672-684

  • Continuous global optimization through the generation of parametric curves

    Raouf Ziadi, Abdelatif Bencherif-Madani and Rachid Ellaia

    Applied Mathematics and Computation, 282 (2016), pp 65-83

  • Conferences Internationales (6)

  • A new covering method for global optimization

    Zidane, Baitiche, and Ziadi Raouf.

    9 ème édition du colloque Tendances dans les Applications Mathématiques en Tunisie Algérie et Maroc (TAMTAM'2019), Tlemcen, Algeria, (2019)

  • A mixed algorithm for continuous global optimization problems

    Ziadi Raouf

    Tuniso-Libanese workshop in Control Theory and Related Fields, Monastir, Tunisia, (2019)

  • A covering method combined with the Hook-Jeeves algorithm for continuous global optimization problems

    Ziadi Raouf

    1st International Conference on Research in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Casablanca, Morocco, (2019)

  • Une nouvelle méthode d’optimisation globale basée sur la génération de courbes paramétrées

    Ziadi Raouf

    Optimisation Combinatoire et Continue : Méthodes et Applications, Sétif, Algérie, (2018)

  • Global Optimization : A new covering method combined with a stochastic local search

    Raouf Ziadi and Abdelatif Bencherif-Madani

    XIII Balkan Conference on Operational Research, Belgrad, Serbie, (2018)

  • Global optimization through a stochastic perturbation of the Polak-Ribière conjugate gradient method

    Raouf Ziadi, Rachid Ellaia and Abdelatif Bencherif-Madani

    Workshop International des Mathématiques (WIM’2015), Bouira, Algérie, (2015)

  • Conferences Nationales (2)

  • ELGPS: An algorithm for continuous global optimization by means of a parametrized dense curve

    Ziadi Raouf

    3rd Workshop On Mathematical Modeling And Control, Annaba, Algeria, (2019)

  • Une nouvelle méthode d'optimisation globale basée sur la génération des courbes paramétrées

    Raouf Ziadi, Abdelatif Bencherif-Madani

    Congrès des Mathématiciens Algériens, CMA'2016, Batna, Algérie, (2016)