Choubeila Souli, Raouf Ziadi , Abdelatif Bencherif-Madani, Hisham Mohammed Khudhur
Journal of Mathematical Modeling, 12 (2024), pp 301–317
Raouf Ziadi and Abdelatif Bencherif-Madani
Journal of Computational Mathematics, 0 (2023), pp xx
Raouf Ziadi, Abdelatif Bencherif-Madani
Journal of Mathematical Modeling, 1 (2023), pp 1-24
Raouf Ziadi and Abdelatif Becherif-Madani
International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics, 13 (2021), pp 369-390
Raouf Ziadi , Abdelatif Bencherif-Madani and Rachid Ellaia
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 178 (2020), pp 62-91
Raouf Ziadi, Rachid Ellaia and Abdelatif Bencherif-Madani
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 317 (2017), pp 672-684
Raouf Ziadi, Abdelatif Bencherif-Madani and Rachid Ellaia
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 282 (2016), pp 65-83
Zidane, Baitiche, and Ziadi Raouf.
9 ème édition du colloque Tendances dans les Applications Mathématiques en Tunisie Algérie et Maroc (TAMTAM'2019), Tlemcen, Algeria, (2019)
Ziadi Raouf
Tuniso-Libanese workshop in Control Theory and Related Fields, Monastir, Tunisia, (2019)
Ziadi Raouf
1st International Conference on Research in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Casablanca, Morocco, (2019)
Ziadi Raouf
Optimisation Combinatoire et Continue : Méthodes et Applications, Sétif, Algérie, (2018)
Raouf Ziadi and Abdelatif Bencherif-Madani
XIII Balkan Conference on Operational Research, Belgrad, Serbie, (2018)
Raouf Ziadi, Rachid Ellaia and Abdelatif Bencherif-Madani
Workshop International des Mathématiques (WIM’2015), Bouira, Algérie, (2015)
Ziadi Raouf
3rd Workshop On Mathematical Modeling And Control, Annaba, Algeria, (2019)
Ziadi Raouf
Workshops on Pure and Applied Mathematics (WPAM'2018), M'Sila, Algeria, (2018)
Baitich Zidane and Ziadi Raouf
3rd National Scientific Days JSNE3, ENSET - Skikda, Algérie, (2017)
Raouf Ziadi, Abdelatif Bencherif-Madani
1st Mathematics National Seminar, Seminaire of laboratory MAM, Constantine, Algeria, (2016)
Raouf Ziadi, Abdelatif Bencherif-Madani
Congrès des Mathématiciens Algériens, CMA'2016, Batna, Algérie, (2016)