Rania BENMENNI, Nourreddine DAILI
Stat. Optim. Inf. Comput., Doi: 10.19139/soic-2310-5070-2115, 13 (2025), pp 173-188
Bochra Zeghad and Nourreddine DAILI
Journal of Mathematical Modeling (JMM), no. 2, Doi: 10.22124/jmm.2024.28107.2479, 13 (2025), pp 263-280
Nourreddine DAILI
Issue 12; Article no. JAMCS.109455, DOI: 10.9734/JAMCS/2023/v38i121856, 38 (2023), pp 43-49
Soulef BOUGUEROUA and Nourreddine DAILI
Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2023 (2023), pp Article ID 6689311, 15 pages
Soulef BOUGUEROUA and Nourreddine DAILI
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physicqs (JAMP), DOI: 10.4236/jamp.2023.119175 , 11 (2023), pp 2671-2690
Communications in Mathematics and Applications (CMA), No. 3, DOI: 10.26713/cma.v13i3.1449 , 13 (2022), pp 1221-1235
Noureddine DAILI
Asian Basic and Applied Research Journal, issue 4; Article no.ABAARJ.1070, 6 (2022), pp 1-20
Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Applications, (JMSAA), Issue 1, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18642/jmsaa_7100122249, 70 (2022), pp 53-64
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography (JDMSC), https://doi.org/10.1080/09720529.2019.1669921, n°. 1, 24 (2021), pp 53-70.
Noureddine DAILI
Communications in Mathematics and Applications, DOI: 10.26713/cma.v11i3.1399, Issue 3, Volume, 11 (2020), pp 461-479.
DAILI Noureddine
JP Jour. Algebra, Number Theo. and Applications, http://dx.doi.org/10.17654/NT047010051, Number 1, 47 (2020), pp 51-65
N. Daili
Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics, http://dx.doi.org/10.17654/DM023020139, Number 2, 23 (2020), pp 139-146
JP Jour. Algebra & Number Theory and Applications, No. 1, http://dx.doi.org/10.17654/NT042010085, 42 (2019), pp 85-94.
Pioneer Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications (PJANTA), Vol.17, Issue 1-2 , 17 (2019), pp 1-8.
International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory, and Algebra, no. 4, 27 (2018), pp 1-20
N. Dib, A. Guesmia and N. Daili
Communications in Mathematics and Applications (CMA), 9 (2018), pp 1-8.
N. Daili and N. Hemici
Pacific Jour. Appl. Math. (PJAM), Number 4, 9 (2017), pp 289-308
Pacific Journal of Applied Mathematics (PJAM), 9 (2017), pp 1-16
N. Daili
International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory, and Algebra, 26 (2017), pp 1-6.
S. Gheraibia, A. Guesmia and N. Daili,
Hacettepe University, Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Doi: 10.15672/HJMS.2017.429, 46 (2017), pp 149-161.
N. Daili
JP Jour. Algrbra Number Theory & Appl. (JPANTA), http://dx.doi.org/10.17654/NT038030261, 38 (2016), pp 261-270.
N. Daili
Journal of Algebra & Number Theory and Applications (JANTA), DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18642/janta_7100121728, 16 (2016), pp 41-49.
N. Daili and Kh. Saadi,
Malaya J. Mat. , 4 (2016), pp 534-555.
N. Daili
Pioneer Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and its Applications (PJANTA), 11 (2016), pp 21-32.
N. Daili and M. Khaldi,
Advanced Modeling and Optimization (AMO), 17 (2015), pp 286-304.
S. Gheraibia and N. Daili,
Pacific Journal of Applied Mathematics (PJAM), 7 (2015), pp 149-161.
N. Daili,
Pioneer Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and its Applications (PJANTA), 8 (2014), pp 1-4.
N. Daili,
Journal of Algebra, Number Theory: Advanced and Applications, (JANTAA), 12 (2014), pp 127-138.
L. Benaissa and N. Daili,
International Journal of Evolution Equations (IJEE), 9 (2014), pp 1-50.
L. Benaissa and N. Daili,
AMO - Advanced Modeling and Optimization, 15 (2013), pp 431-448.
N. Daili and A. Guesmia,
Gen. Math. Notes, 17 (2013), pp 16-31.
N. Daili,
Far East Journal of Mathematical Education (FJME), 9 (2012), pp 169-183.
N. Daili,
Journal of information & Optimization Sciences (JIOS), https://doi.org/10.1080/02522667.2012.10700158, 33 (2012), pp 487-526.
Ch. Daili, N. Daili and B. Merikhi,
Pacific Journal of Applied Mathematics (PJAM), 3 (2012), pp 287-308.
N. Daili and Kh. Saadi,
AMO - Advanced Modeling and Optimization, 14 (2012), pp 175-195.
N. Daili,
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics (JIM), 14 (2011), pp 205-221.
N. Daili,
Pioneer Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics (PJAAM), 2 (2011), pp 1-8.
N. Daili,
General Mathematics Notes (GMN), 3 (2011), pp 1-15.
A. Guesmia and N. Daili,
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics (JIM), 14 (2011), pp 425-443.
N. Daili,
Acta Universitatis Apulensis (AUA), 28 (2011), pp 233-260.
N. Daili and M. Khaldi,
Pacific Journal of Applied Mathematics (PJAM), 2 (2010), pp 1-25.
A. Guesmia and N. Daili,
Acta Universitatis Apulensis, 21 (2010), pp 161-170.
N. Daili,
JP Jour. Fixed Point Theory and Applications (JPJFPTA), 5 (2010), pp 71-80.
N. Daili,
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography (JDMSC), doi:10.1080/09720529.2010.10698308, 13 (2010), pp 465-472.
A. Guesmia and N. Daili,
Communications in Mathematics and Applications (CMA), 1 (2010), pp 77-90.
N. Daili,
Pacific Journal of Applied Mathematics (PJAM), 1 (2009), pp 367-379.
A. Guesmia and N. Daili,
General Mathematics (GM), 17 (2009), pp 99-111.
L. Benaissa and N. Daili,
Acta Universitatis Apulensis (AUA), 17 (2009), pp 157-182.
N. Daili,
JP Jour. Algebra Number Theory & Appl. (JPANTA), 15 (2009), pp 163-170.
N. Daili,
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography (JDMSC), doi:10.1080/09720529.10698259, 12 (2009), pp 599-614.
N. Daili and M. Khaldi,
Jour. Comput. Math. Optim., (JCMO), 4 (2008), pp 127-144.
N. Daili,
Int. J Contemp. Math. Sciences (IJCMS), 3 (2008), pp 675-682.
A. Guesmia and N. Daili,
Applied Mathematical Sciences (AMS), 2 (2008), pp 1635-1664.
N. Daili,
JP Jour. Algebra Number Theory & Appl. (JPANTA), 11 (2008), pp 99-112
Ch. Daili and N. Daili,
Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (GJPAM), 4 (2008), pp 25-51.
N. Daili,
Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics (AADM), 1 (2008), pp 35-44.
A. Guesmia and N. Daili,
Journal of Analysis and Applications (JAA), 6 (2008), pp 179-193.
N. Daili,
Journal of Algebra and Discrete Structures (JADS), 6 (2008), pp 135-143.
N. Daili,
Far East J. Math. Sci. (FJMS), 26 (2007), pp 539-555.
Ch. Daili and N. Daili,
Far East J. Appl. Math. (FJAM), 29 (2007), pp 311-334.
N. Daili,
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N. Daili,
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N. Daili,
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N. Daili,
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N. Daili,
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N. Daili,
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N. Daili,
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ZEGHAD Bochra - DAILI Noureddine
1st International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences on 10-13 May in 2022 at Konya - Turkey, Konya - Turkey, (2022)
BENMENNI Rania - DAILI Noureddine
1st International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences on 10-13 May in 2022 at Konya - Turkey, Konya - Turkey, (2022)
BOUGUEROUA Soulef - DAILI Noureddine
1st International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences on 10-13 May in 2022 at Konya - Turkey, Kony - Turkey, (2022)
BOUGUEROUA Soulef - DAILI Noureddine
2ND International Conference on Computational Sciences-Modelling, Computing and SoftComputing CSMCS-2022, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, March 28-30, 2022, Manipal - India, (2022)