DRIF Ahlem
Grade: Maitre de conferences classe A
Email: adrif@univ-setif.dz
Département: Informatique
Bureau: 09
Ahlem DRIF is an Associate Professor/Researcher in the Computer Sciences Department of Ferhat Abbas University of Sétif 1 (UFAS), Algeria. She has engineering degree in Advanced Information Systems (2002) and Magister degree in Computer Science (2006) from University of Sétif. She hold a Ph.D from UFAS, under the supervision of Ex-Professor Abdellah Boukerram and Professor Silvia. Giordano, Department of Innovative Technologies – SUPSI – Switzerland. She received the university accreditation (HDR) in 2021. With over 14 years of research experience, Dr. Ahlem Drif's primary area of expertise lies in Data Sciences; encompassing Intelligent Trajectory applications, Deep learning, Recommender Systems, AI in Medicine, Explainable XAI for Healthcare, and Social Computing based LLM. She published more than 40 peer-reviewed research articles in international journals and conferences. She serves as a reviewer for many international journals and conferences.



  • Advanced machine learning.
  • Applied Artificial Intelligence.
  • Data Science
  • Human mobility and mobile social networking.
  • Knowledge Discovery and Big Data.
  • Natural langague processing
  • Data Analysis and prediction models. 
  • Trajectory Mining.
  • http://dblp.uni-trier.de/pers/hd/d/Drif:Ahlem 


Postdoc research – Habilitation Universitaire 2021 -: 

  • Intelligent systems: Developing architectures based on the deep neural networks  to put more emphasis on user and item interactions when constructing the latent spaces (user-item). In our works, we map the original data to higher order features interactions to achieve more accurate predictions and higher recommendation efficiency. 
  • In Collaboration with: Prof. Hocine Cherifi, Computer science laboratory (LIB), University of Burgundy Franche-Comté, France. 

  • Misinformation detection systems: Building systems which come up with a way of representing the features that are relevant for recognizing information veracity, while at the same time keeping the dimensionality low enough to make the application of machine learning or deep learning computationally feasible. 
  • In Collaboration with: Prof. Refoufi Allaoua, University of Ferhat Abbas, Setif 1, Algeria.  
  • Prof. Silvioa Giordano – Institute of Systems for Informatics and Networking, Switzerland.

                  Thesis: Dynamic topologies for Communication in Ad hoc Networks. 
                Main areas: Dynamic topolgy, Modeling human mobility, Wireless networks, Social content, Community discovery methods, Discovering knowledge, Prediction models, Complex network analysis.
                  Thesis: Load balancing policy for grid environment: Implementation of a diffusion  Genetic method.
                  Main areas: Grid computing,  Load balancing, Resources allocation,  Evolutionary programming.

                     Thesis: Implementation of Internet Protocol: TELNET.
                     Main areas: IPV6, Internet protocol,  TCP/IP, MS Exchange Server, Socket programming.



  • Associate Professor: May 2017– Present Day, College of sciences, University of Sétif in Algeria (UFAS). 
  • Member at RSD Laboratory: 2010-Present Day, laboratoire de Réseaux est Systèmes Distribués, UFAS, Sétif.
  • Assistant Professor : Nov.2006– May.2017,  UFAS.
  • Supervisor: Sept.2004-June 2006, Computer networking technician. National Institute of Teacher Training and Professional Education. Sétif. 
  • Engineer teacher part-time: October 2003-June 2004, National Institute of Teacher Training and Professional Education, Sétif.



Courses (Lecture/Module):

  • LMD/ Engineering:  Theory of language - Compilation - Software Engineering - Networks- Petri Networks - Introduction to Algorithms- Network security- Data Analysis- Algorithms and Data Structures- Information System - Web Technology- Object Oriented programming - Machine Structure - Computer architecture .

  •   Master: 
             - Cognition and Maching Learning to Master students.
             - Knowledge Engineering to Master students of IFIA (Fundamental Computing and Artificial Intelligence). 
             - Network engineering to Master students of RSD (NETWORK AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS). 
             - Networks II to Master students of RSD (NETWORK AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS).

  • Supervision: I’have supervised many LMD  and master students.
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Referee for Journal 

- Applied network sciences, Springer.

- Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), Publisher IEEE. 
- PLOS ONE, Publisher Public Library of Science.
 -Scientific Reports.
- Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences.

Program Comitte member
- International Conference on Complex Networks and thier applications (2020-2021)
- The International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management. (2020-2021)
- International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT), from 2008 to 2009. 

Other Scientific activities:

  • Cisco training: Administration of Computer Networks and Routers, 2005.
  • Winter School on Wireless Sensor Systems, December,  2014, CDTA, Centre de Développement des Technologies Avancées, Algiers.
  • Data Science Specialization  from Johns Hopkins University (E-learning courses).
  • Tutorial : Consensus dynamics on networks. Theory and applications , Prof. E. Estrada, Milan.



  • Reading Sychology books & History  books, because  I will always mediate on :
       => « La valeur morale ne peut pas être remplacée par la valeur intelligence et j'ajouterai : Dieu merci ! »
              Albert Einstein.
        =>« Your soul - that inner quiet space - is yours to consult. It will always guide you in the right direction. »
              Dr Wayne Dayer.
       =>« Ce qui nous effraie, ce n’est pas notre ombre, ce qui nous effraie c’est notre lumière…
                Nous marchons sans le savoir sur le trésor   que nous cherchons.» 
             Thomas  d’Ansembourg .
       =>« As also in your own selves: Will ye not then see?” The Koran.

  • Authorized supervisor of the "Thinker program", Future School Model level 1, Level2. Prof Maha Shehadeh.            

Chapitre II - Dimmensionnement et planification des réseaux radio Master 2 RSD (2011- 2013-2015) Polycopie de cours
Théorie des langages Polycopie de cours

    Journaux (8)

  • MIGAN: Mutual-Interaction Graph Attention Network for Collaborative Filtering

    Ahlem Drif, Hocine Cherifi

    Entropy, 24 (2022), pp 8

  • An Opinion Spread Prediction Model With Twitter Emotion Analysis During Algeria’s Hirak

    Ahlem Drif , Khalil Hadjoudj

    The Computer Journal. https://doi.org/10.1093/comjnl/bxaa117, 10 (2020), pp 10

  • EnsVAE : Ensemble Variational Autoencoders for Recommendations

    Ahlem Drif , Houssem eddine Zerrad , Hocine Cherifi

    https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9224132, 0 (2020), pp IEEE Access

  • Discovering Communities for Web Usage Mining Systems.

    Yacine Slimani, Abdelouaheb Moussaoui, Yves Lechevallier, Ahlem Drif

    International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, 1 (2019), pp 1755-0386

  • Discovering Interest Based Mobile Communities.

    Ahlem Drif, Abdellah Boukerram, Yacine Slimani, Silvia Giordano

    Mobile Networks and Applications, 22 (17), pp 344–355

  • Can we recognize the next user’s mobile community?.

    Ahlem Drif, Abdellah Boukerram, Yacine Slimani, and Silvia Giordano.

    Journal of Complex Networks and Their Applications. , 5 (17), pp pp 335-346

  • Discovery and Analysis of Usage Patterns for Web Personalization

    Yacine Slimani, Ahlem Drif, Abdelouahab Moussaoui

    International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication., 3 (15), pp 578-582

  • Community discovery topology construction for ad hoc networks

    Ahlem Drif, Abdellah Boukerram, and Yacine Slimani

    Lecture Notes (LNICST) Wireless Internet, 146 (15), pp 197-208

  • Conferences Internationales (15)

  • Context-Awareness in Ensemble Recommender System Framework

    Ahlem Drif, Houssem Eddine Zerrad, Hocine Cherifi

    2021 International Conference on Electrical, Communication, and Computer Engineering (ICECCE), IEEE, (2021)

  • A Sentiment Enhanced Deep Collaborative Filtering Recommender System

    A Drif, S Guembour, H Cherifi

    International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, 66-78, Online, (2020)

  • Tracking diffusion pattern based on Salient Tweets.

    Ahlem Drif, Silvia Gioedano

    Conference: International Conference on Theoretical and Applicative Aspects of Computer Science, Skikda, Algeria, (2019)

  • A merged deep learning models for fake news detection

    A Belhakimi, A Drif, S Giordano

    International Conference on Advanced Electrical Engineering 2019 (ICAEE 2019), Algeria, (2019)

  • Fake News Detection Method Based on Text-Features

    Ahlem Drif, Zineb Farhat Hmida, Silvia Giordano

    The Ninth International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management, France, (2019)

  • Predicting human mobility patterns using machine learning.

    Ahlem Drif, Silvia Giordano

    AMLS, African Machine Learning Summer School., Algiers, (2018)

  • Can we recognize the next user’s mobile community?.

    Ahlem Drif, Abdellah Boukerram, Yacine Slimani, and Silvia Giordano.

    The 5th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications., Milan, Italy., (16)

  • Topologies in complex networks

    Ahlem Drif, Abdellah Boukerram, and Yacine Slimani

    The 8th International Wireless Internet Conference - Symposium on Wireless and Vehicular Communication., Lisbon, Portugal., (14)

  • Découverte d’une structure de communauté des usagers du web. In 4 me conférence sur les modéles et l’analyse des réseaux: approches mathématiques et informatiques.

    Ahlem Drif, Abdallah Boukerram, and Yacine Slimani.

    In 4 me conférence sur les modéles et l’analyse des réseaux: approches mathématiques et informatiques., Saint-Etienne, France, , (13)

  • Identification de communautés d'usage du web depuis un graphe issus des fichiers d'accès

    Yacine Slimani, Abdelouhab Moussaoui, Yves Lechevallier, Ahlem Drif

    12e Conférence Internationale Francophone sur l'Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances EGC’2012, Bordeaux, France, (12)

  • A community detection algorithm for Web Usage Mining systems.

    Yacine Slimani, Abdelouahab Moussaoui, Yves Lechevallier, Ahlem Drif

    A community detection algorithm for Web Usage Mining systems, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Innovations in Information and Communications Technology (ISICT), Amman, (11)

  • Algorithme distribué de routage pour l'économie d’énergie dans les MANETs,

    Ahlem Drif.

    6ème Colloque sur l’Optimisation et les Systèmes d’Information (COSI’2009), Annaba, Algeria, (09)

  • Mécanisme de contrôle de topologie dans les réseaux ad hoc.

    Ahlem Drif.

    Embedded Systems Conference, Alger, Algeria, (09)

  • A load balancing policy based on a diffusion scheme for grid computing envirenments.

    Ahlem Drif, Abdellah Boukerram

    International Conference of Electrical Engineering Design and Technologies ICEEDDT’08, Hammamet , Tunisie., (08)

  • Algorithme de diffusion génétique pour l'équilibrage de charge dans les grilles de calcul.

    Ahlem Drif, Abdellah Boukerram.

    International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing CIP’2007., Sétif, Algeria., (07)

  • Conferences Nationales (1)

  • Optimisation de la consommation d’énergie dans les réseaux mobiles ad hoc

    Ahlem Drif, Abdellah Boukerram.

    Doctoriales de Sciences et technologies de l’information et de la communication STIC’11, Tébessa, Algérie., (11)