Contenu de la matière

I. Quantum Tools
-      Fundamental  concepts  of  quantum  information:  pure  and  mixed  quantum  states,  the  partial  trace,
classical-quantum states, generalized measurements.
-      Encrypting quantum bits with the quantum one-time pad.
II. Mathematical Tools for Quantum Cryptography
-     Information Theory: Shannon Entropy,
-     Quantum  Information:  Polarization  of  Light, The  Photon  (Nature,  Properties  and  Polarization  of  a
Photon),  Qubit,  Quantum  Superposition,  Quantum  Gates  (the  Pauli  Gates),  the  Measurement
Problem  in  Quantum  Physics,  Application  of  the  Heisenberg  Uncertainty  Principle  to  Quantum
Cryptography, Quantum Decoherence, No-Cloning Theorem.

III. Distributing Keys
-      Quantum Key Distribution: Definitions and Concepts
-      Key Distribution over a Noisy Channel.
-      Key Material, Key Distribution and the One-Time Pad.

IV. Quantum Key Distribution Protocols 
-      BB84  Protocol  :  The  Idea,  Principle  of  Operation  of  BB84,  The  BB84  Protocol,  Using  Polarized
Light,  Practical  Quantum  Cryptography:  Error  Correction  and  Privacy  Amplification,  Security Proofs, Authentication.
-      Warmup: Security against a Classical Eavesdropper.
-      E91 Protocol: Purifying Protocols Using Entanglement.

V. Technology
-      Single Photon Sources, Single Photon Detectors, Quantum Channel, Random Number Generator,
-      Applications: Commercial Systems with Dual Key Agreement, Quantum Key Distribution Networks